Unleash Your Athletic Potential with

Archetype Athlete

We are dedicated to transforming ordinary athletes into extraordinary performers. Our cutting-edge program merges biomechanics expertise with personalized training to unlock your ultimate athletic prowess. Whether you're aiming for the podium or simply striving to be your best, Archetype Athlete is your pathway to success.

Enhanced Performance

Boost strength, speed, and agility by improving biomechanics.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Minimize injury risks and rehabilitate by mastering proper movement patterns.

Functional Movement Mastery

Achieve mastery in functional movements, enhancing everyday activities and promoting overall physical well-being.

Unveiling the Program

Step 1: Discover Your Archetype

Take the first step towards unlocking your athletic potential by completing a personalized self-assessment. Uncover your unique athletic archetype, providing the foundation for your journey to peak performance.

Step 2: Tailored Training Programs

Once your archetype is identified, dive into a tailored training program meticulously crafted to suit your specific needs and goals. From strength-building to enhancing mobility and cardiovascular capacity, each session is designed to propel you towards greatness.

Step 3: Elevate Your Performance

Immerse yourself in five days of intensive strength and conditioning sessions every week. Through a dynamic blend of exercises utilizing state-of-the-art gym machines and equipment, you'll witness remarkable improvements in strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Step 4: Be Athletic, Be Ready

At Archetype Athlete, our mission is clear: to mold athletes who are not only physically capable but mentally prepared for any challenge. Our holistic approach ensures you're equipped to tackle anything life throws your way.

Step 5: Join Our Coaching Community

Experience the power of community support with our exclusive coaching network. Connect with fellow athletes, participate in monthly live coaching calls for guidance and updates, and gain direct access to Gunther Klaus himself for personalized assistance.

Unleash Your Athletic Potential

with Archetype Athlete

We are dedicated to transforming ordinary athletes into extraordinary performers. Our cutting-edge program merges biomechanics expertise with personalized training to unlock your ultimate athletic prowess. Whether you're aiming for the podium or simply striving to be your best, Archetype Athlete is your pathway to success.

Enhanced Performance

Boost strength, speed, and agility by improving biomechanics.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Minimize injury risks and rehabilitate by mastering proper movement patterns.

Functional Movement Mastery

Achieve mastery in functional movements, enhancing everyday activities and promoting overall physical well-being.

Unveiling the Program

Step 1: Discover Your Archetype

Take the first step towards unlocking your athletic potential by completing a personalized self-assessment. Uncover your unique athletic archetype, providing the foundation for your journey to peak performance.

Step 2: Tailored Training Programs

Once your archetype is identified, dive into a tailored training program meticulously crafted to suit your specific needs and goals. From strength-building to enhancing mobility and cardiovascular capacity, each session is designed to propel you towards greatness.

Step 3: Elevate Your Performance

Immerse yourself in five days of intensive strength and conditioning sessions every week. Through a dynamic blend of exercises utilizing state-of-the-art gym machines and equipment, you'll witness remarkable improvements in strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Step 4: Be Athletic, Be Ready

At Archetype Athlete, our mission is clear: to mold athletes who are not only physically capable but mentally prepared for any challenge. Our holistic approach ensures you're equipped to tackle anything life throws your way.

Step 5: Join Our Coaching Community

Experience the power of community support with our exclusive coaching network. Connect with fellow athletes, participate in monthly live coaching calls for guidance and updates, and gain direct access to Gunther Klaus himself for personalized assistance.

Try Archetype Training for yourself!

Determine your structural archetype and receive a free preview of our training program designed

to optimize strength & mobility for your specific body type.




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What makes Archetype Athlete different from other training programs?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How can Archetype Athlete help me achieve my athletic goals faster?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Are the training plans customizable to my specific needs and sport?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

What ongoing support is provided throughout the program?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Can Archetype Athlete help prevent injuries and improve recovery time?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How soon can I expect to see results with the Archetype Athlete program?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

What equipment do I need for the Archetype Athlete program?

You will need kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and cable machines.

Can i do the Archetype Athlete program from home?

Yes, we have an at home track and all you’ll need is bends and dumbbells.


What makes Archetype Athlete different from other training programs?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How can Archetype Athlete help me achieve my athletic goals faster?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Are the training plans customizable to my specific needs and sport?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

What ongoing support is provided throughout the program?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Can Archetype Athlete help prevent injuries and improve recovery time?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How soon can I expect to see results with the Archetype Athlete program?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

What equipment do I need for the Archetype Athlete program?

You will need kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and cable machines.

Can i do the Archetype Athlete program from home?

Yes, we have an at home track and all you’ll need is bends and dumbbells.


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© 2024 Klaus Haus LLC. All Rights Reserved